Posts Tagged: ‘elections’

The semi-live blog of election results.

November 5, 2013 Posted by Frank M


Editors note: posts are being made from a cell phone with a dying battery, mostly on the road.

7:00 pm A group of sign holders at the botanical gardens sight take off like if that bird from the Flintstones just had his tail pulled.

Candidates follow suit. Gongora, Malakoff, Greigco, Abramson all hang it up for the night.

A group of young males wearing red ‘Firefighters of Miami Beach shirts’ walk with purpose away from the polling place. One of them hisses and declares: ”I wouldnt vote for any of them.”


They disappear off into the distance before we can snap a pic.

The group was holding signs for thr incumbents, but it sounded like the venom was directed to everyone.

7:04 The majority are gone. From what once was a solid brush of sign holders – where voters had to navigate a labyrinth of sign holders just to get by- is now a loose collection of stray people resembling in the middle loitering than campaigning.

7:07 Everyone is gone, better leave than get a ticket.


7:55.Still only have the absentee numbers, so here we go:


Mayor race:

Philip Levine 52.44%
Michael Gongora 36.37%
Steve Berke 9.09%
Raphael Herman 1.11%



2971 voted early in Miami Beach; interactive graphs.

November 4, 2013 Posted by Frank M

Nearly three thousand residents have already voted in Miami Beach. A year removed from a slate of corruption charges that rocked city hall and it’s police department, three incumbents seek to retain their place on the dais.

It remains to be seen if the voters, egged on by challengers, give the ax to the incumbents. Or if this election really was a referendum of the powers that be. 

According to figures from the county, 2971 Total people voted early In Miami Beach.

Here is an interactive graph of the daily totals in both Miami Beach City Hall (MB C.H. #s) and North Shore (N.S. #s)

Broken down by voting site:

1795 At Miami Beach City Hall.

1176 At North Shore Branch Library.

Election day is Tuesday.


Charlie Crist announces his run on Facebook with a picture of his campaign sign.

November 4, 2013 Posted by Frank M


It was fairly official months ago even without the formality of an announcement, but over the weekend Charlie Crist made it (kinda?) official when he posted on Facebook a picture of his campaign sign for the 2014 gubernatorial run. Just Days before he officially staged a rally. Which incidentally is later today.

“The people’s Governor” makes up the majority of the sign with a sunrise pictured above it. Crist’s name appears only by way of a URL to his website.  

More telling is the official campaigning disclosure on the bottom of the sign: “Political advertisement paid for and approved by Charlie Crist, Democrat, for Governor.”

So much for waiting for the rally. It was set for 9:30 this morning at Whitted Park in Crist-Stronghold St. Pete.

It’s not the first time Crist makes a big announcement through social media. When he officially changed his political party registration, he posted up a picture of him and his wife accompanied by the official document. What a romantic!


He was at a White House reception with the newly re-elected Barack Obama.

An embrace with Obama at a stimulus event was campaign fodder during Crist’s failed senatorial run. He didn’t make it out of the Republican Primary, defeated by the Tea-Party’s choice- the safely right-wing Marco Rubio.  

Crist then switched to an independent to run in the general election. He lost.

At the time, Crist was thought to have left an easy re-election to the state capitol for a fairly secure national seat. He had been flirting with the national spot light ever since the John Mccain campaign floated Crist as a possible choice for Veep in 2008. 

All of it didn’t work out.

Now the former Republican Governor will come at the current Republican Governor, Rick Scott, from the left. 

Or atleast, Charlie Crist’s version of the left.


Mayor Matti Bower files to run for Miami Beach Commission’s Group 3. Tweet Post (@writerfrank)

June 7, 2013 Posted by Frank M

Frank Maradiaga (@writerfrank) tweeted at 5:30 PM on Fri, Jun 07, 2013:

Mayor Matti Bower files paperwork to run in #MiamiBeach ‘s group 3.

image (


Rivals have had brushes with the Law in Bay Harbor Islands

April 15, 2010 Posted by Frank M

Fm Riv Sample by Frank M


Attack ads take aim at Incumbent in Bay Harbor Islands

April 15, 2010 Posted by Frank M

FM Ad Sample by Frank M
